Each of us is affected by family and inheritance law at one point in our lives. We offer selected services in the area of family and inheritance law.
We will assist, for example, in drafting of a marriage settlement agreement or divorce related assignments such as, divorce settlement and partition and separation of possessions. We offer strong expertise in the field of inheritance law. We also offer a wide variety of inheritance documents, such as wills, estate inventory deeds, and various agreements regarding estate administration. We also advise and assist, for example, in issues related to gifts and advancements, guardianship, the execution and contestation of the will, the position and rights of the widow and lawful inheritance portion. Our services also cover a wide range of assignments related to estate and distribution of an estate, estate administration, estate partition and compensation. In addition, we provide comprehensive services for inheritance tax and estate’s tax management.
We have plenty of experience in dealing with various family and inheritance law related disputes in courts. Primarily, we always try to find an amicable solution that is favorable for our client.